

Egyptian Air Defense Command

   *Egyptian Air Defense Command*

S-75 including V-750 missile on camouflaged launcher
Egyptian Air Defense Command is the force responsible for air defense in the Egyptian armed forces. Works Aerospace Defense Command, steward of the air defense weapon systems available, including: anti-aircraft missiles (surface - atmosphere), anti-aircraft artillery, and early warning systems and radar.
The current commander of the Aerospace Defense Command, is the team Abdel Aziz Seif al-Din, President of the Defence Staff Air is the current Major General Tariq al-Mahdi.

Israel destroyed most of the Egyptian Air Force fighter jets on the ground in war June 5, 1967. In the period after the setback and even victory in October 1973 Egypt fought a long way and a campaign to upgrade the defense of Egyptian air in the fastest time, and was providing air defense of Egypt many of the weapons and missiles, Soviet-made and placed in strategic locations are difficult to avoid or monitoring, and in the 1973 war destroyed the air defense Egyptian indices in the deployment and firing of rockets by hand, said Russian military experts that it is impossible to repel the attack the huge air by Israel on Egypt after crossing, and said it is impossible to repel the attack using that amount of rockets, but the Air Defence of Egypt stunned the date when it wasrepel the attack and complete destruction of most of the planes after failing to hit targets, and this was one of the biggest victories of the Egyptian air defense,

After the war of October 1973:

After the 1973 war, especially in the era of President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak,
Mohammed Hosni Mubarak
 Egypt began to modernize and develop the air defense system in full has been providing many of the pieces and weapons of various country, defense is the air current, according to reports, the CIA, contains the rockets and sophisticated weapons from America, Britain, Germany, Russia, China, Italy, Japan, in addition to weapons of Soviet-old has been developed and re-manufactured in Egypt, and also to weapons of Egyptian industry and unlock Egypt, such as the Falcon 1 and Falcon-2, which makes air defense Egyptian network the most complex in the world according to a report of the United 2005 United.
                              Some Photo
MIM-23 Hawk
V-600 missiles on the S-125 quadruple launcher
A modernized Finnish 35 mm Oerlikon twin cannon

Patriot system of the German Luftwaffe

Peruvian Army S-125


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