

Flag of Egypt

          Flag oEgypt

The ancient Egyptians considered the oldest nation in the history of human use of banners and flags as a national symbol to a symbol of the Egyptian nation where there are temples in the Egyptian inscriptions indicate their use of banners and flags of Egypt in the celebrations and wars. 
Current Egyptian flag was adopted in October 4th, 1984 and consists of three equal rectangles cross and a length of his weak, which is in the order of colors 
Red Top : red is the color of the glow, the strongest and most colors for an expression of strength and hope and sunshine and progress and also to symbolize the blood of the martyrs. 
White in the middle : color expresses the purity and serenity. 
Black at the botto
m: reflects the ages of backwardness and despotism and colonialism, which is gone forever is a reminder for generations to these difficult days in which grandparents fought against injustice and wrong. 
And the rectangle in the East wing have embraced Eagle gold color and the center of the chest shield flag is Egypt. This eagle is a symbol of the Ayyubid state since the days of Saladin. This eagle looks to the direction of science base to denote the protection of land and reflects the strength of Egypt and the civilizations.

Egyptian history flag

Ottoman flag.

A flag of the Ottoman Empire in the mid-nineteenth century and that Egypt was the mandate of the subsidiary at the time. 

In the era of Muhammad Ali from 1826 until 1867.

During the reign of Muhammad Ali was the Egyptian flag is the same as the Ottoman flag, but that he was carrying from the beginning of a five star parties to distinguish it from the Ottoman flag. It seems that this star is derived from the format defined by the Egyptians since the ancient ages of civilization. This was the difference in the number of parties to the star is the only way to distinguish between the Egyptian fleet and the Turkish fleet during the siege of European support of the Ottomans against Muhammad Ali of the Egyptian ports. 
In addition, Muhammad Ali making a difference to the army for their flag, and the flags of white silk embroidered verses from the Koran and the verse numbers canes. It was one of the manifestations of interest Mohammed Ali science: (document science), which was recited at the receipt of each of the verses Alai army to his knowledge. 

Flag of Khedive Ismail of 1867 until 1882 and from 1914 until 1923.

The Khedive Ismail, a huge step in the way of a flag of an independent Egypt when it is not aware of Mohammed Ali in 1867 and was replaced by the note of the red The three crescents of white in front of each star of white with five parties and this was the crescent and three stars symbolize Egypt, Nubia and Sudan or to the victory of the Egyptian armies in the era of Muhammad Ali in three continents (Africa - Europe - Asia) and continued this science used in Egypt to 1882. 
When Britain occupied the country in 1882 returned to the old flag Ottoman Egypt remained a second note it officially until 1914. 
In 1914 declared a British protectorate over Egypt and ended the association with the Ottoman Empire, was called before the political changes of this particular selection flag of Egypt, Khedive Ismail was re-flag again as a science official of the Sultanate of Egypt until 1923. 
Was aware of Khedive Ismail, who came out in masses beneath the glorious revolution of 1919, which wrapped coffins of thousands of martyrs who were killed in the revolution shot dead by the British. 
Produced the 1919 revolution, along with the Egyptian flag the official flag, which carries a crescent embrace the cross, which became a symbol of the 1919 revolution, whose motto "God, religion and the homeland for all." 

Royal Flag of 1923-1958.

He knows the National Science, a green flag with white crescent and three stars. It was adopted in December 10, 1923 after the issuance of a statement February 28, 1922 and Egypt's transition to a free and independent kingdom. 
Which is one of the flags brought by the people in the revolution of 1919. 
The green color in the flag symbolizes the green valley and delta, and a symbol of Islam, which condemns its majority in Egypt. While the three stars indicates the three parts that make up the Kingdom of Egypt, namely, Egypt, Nubia and the Sudan, Egypt or the people of the three religions which are Islam, Christianity and Judaism. 
Under this flag the Egyptian people fought all his battles against the British occupation after the revolution of 1919, it is a science that people raised in their protests and cited Abd al-Hakam, a surgical carried by the year 1935. And lifting of students and workers in 1946, Wolf coffins of the martyrs of the channel in the battles of 1951 and 1952. 
He who raised the flag on the base of the channel after the evacuation of British forces them into a building and subsequently nationalized the Suez Canal. 
And fought under which the people in Port Said, his battle against the tripartite aggression of 1956 during the reign of Gamal Abdel Nasser.
Science editor from 1952 to 1958.

Science or science editor of the Free Officers, which was a symbol of the Revolution of July 23, has been used for the first time in celebration of 6 months on the movement of military science of the Editorial Board and the Revolution, and Astmervi work next to the green flag with white crescent and three stars. 
And Huallm with three colors (red, white and black) and strikethrough emblem of the Republic Eagle, but Eagle broad shape and has a shield green contain a crescent white and three stars were carved eagle in the Council Chamber of the nation which has now become the People's Assembly and struck coins and an inscription that Eagle Broadband. 
The three colors of the science derived from the badges carried by army officers on their chests to refer to battles fought, but has become a significant new colors later. Where the colors become a symbol to: 
1 - Red revolution. 
2 - White to the New Testament, peace, freedom and prosperity. 
3 - black to the former regime, colonialism and the enemies of the revolution. 
The development of the Eagle Broadband after President Nasser in 1954. And the back of its evolution which is similar to Eagle this afternoon, just as in coins and commemorative to 1971 

Flag of the United Arab Republic from 1958 to 1971.

Following the announcement of a federation between Egypt and Syria to change the name of "Republic of Egypt" to the United Arab Republic and became the South refers to Egypt, and the Northern Territory refer to Syria and replace the eagle in the flag to star Khmaozde Khaddaruwan reference to Egypt and Syria.Egyptian flag remained so until after the disengagement, 1961.Although the Eagle developer is similar to a current state seal and motto and inscription of their currencies and cash, memorials, and differed only for the content of the shield carrying the flag of Egypt lengthwise and strikethrough Alndjemtan Alkhaddrawan Alkhmasitan. 
With the transformation of this knowledge to the attention of the State of the Unit became the note Tguetbsa many Arab countries, and became a contender for the information note of the Great Arab Revolt of all three colors green, white and black, which is derived from many countries of the Orient flag. 

Flag of the Arab Republic of Egypt from 1972 to 1984. 

After the death of President Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1970 and his deputy, Anwar Sadat's rule and the establishment of the Federation of Arab Republics with Libya and Syria were replaced Alndjemtan in the Egyptian flag hawk theme of this Union and hit the currency class twenty pounds with the same logo and became the logo and seal the state in all securities transactions and official until 1984, after President Hosni Mubarak came to power three years in the Egyptian flag returned again to the eagle logo (eagle of Saladin), and was for four years before (1954 to 1958) 
Which is a science, which fought the Egyptian army Hrb October 6, 1973 below, and rose on the east bank of the Canal and the Sinai after the departure of Israeli forces. 


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